23 Jul 2019

You need to change your recruitment process now

Gavin Beale

You need to change your recruitment process now.

Britain boasts a buoyant employment market. Standing at 76.1%, employment rates are the highest they’ve been since 1971. With unemployment figures continuing to fall, the UK’s jobless rate is just 3.9%, significantly lower than the EU average of 6.5%.

Figures show that in 2019, competition for job roles hit a record low, with an average of just 3.22 applicants applying for advertised positions.

Whilst employment remains high, job churn rates are increasing, with research showing that one third of UK employees expect to leave their job within two years.

The UK’s current employment climate, whereby more people are in work than ever, meaning fewer candidates are applying for vacancies, creates challenges for organisations, with businesses competing for a limited pool of applicants with the right skillsets.

To ensure your business remains in the race to attract and, with staff churn rates high, retain the best employees, you need to renew your recruitment focus.

‘Sell’ your business to candidates

Today’s candidates are pickier about who they work for. With more selective candidates and a smaller pool of talent to choose from, you need to ‘sell’ your company to candidates and show them why you’re the best employer to work for.

Are you keeping up with the Jones’?

Reach out to and retain the best talent by trying to offer at least one or two of the following top company perks today’s candidates yearn for, including:

  • Training and professional development
  • Career progression
  • Management responsibilities
  • Flexibility to work when and where they want
  • Healthcare

Asides offering an attractive package that promises flexibility and professional development, keep up with competitors by giving talented employees yet more reasons to be attracted and loyal to your company by offering fun as well as practical motivations.

Some of the coolest incentives today’s candidates are attracted to include an unlimited number of holidays, something which Virgin and Netflix offer on the understanding that employees work hard and complete their work, they can be rewarded by no holiday day constraints.

If unlimited staff holidays aren’t feasible, other fun company incentives could include providing free fresh fruit in the office, having a dress down day, an office pool table, wine discounts, or a free-for-all cappuccino machine in the office.

Act fast but don’t compromise on recruitment quality

In such a competitive market where the amount of jobs available outweighs the number of skilled individuals available for positions, it’s vital that you are quick off the mark when hiring new members of staff.

Look at how long your recruitment process takes from start to finish. If it’s longer than a couple of weeks, you could be missing out on the best talent, who are likely to have accepted offers from others.

Be bold!

Rather than sitting on a CV for weeks on end, you need to act immediately. Be quick off the mark and act instantly by streamlining your recruitment process. This way, the best candidates will remain engaged with you from the minute they apply for the position to when you successfully hire them.

From creating the right job description to shortlisting and screening applicants, to making a job offer and onboarding new recruits, the whole process should be quick, efficient and streamlined, to make sure you don’t miss out on the best talent.


Of course, streamlining processes and ensuring you attract and retain the best talent as quickly as possible, requires time and effort.

This is when partnering with TwentyFour Recruitment makes sound business sense. We deliver a high-end and efficient recruitment service designed to find you the right talent for vacancy, quickly and efficiently.

Get in touch with TwentyFour Recruitment today to take care of all your recruitment needs.