31 Aug 2023

Open Search: Your Future-Ready Talent Pool

Jack Barden

Welcome to Open Search, an exclusive, forward-thinking recruitment service that keeps you prepared for the future, especially when it comes to hiring in the creative and design sectors. Say goodbye to reactive recruitment and hello to a streamlined, tailored approach that adapts as your business evolves.


What Is Open Search?

At its core, Open Search is a service where we actively monitor, vet, and share candidate profiles tailored to the future needs and changes your business may encounter. Think of it as your long-term recruitment partner that works quietly in the background, even when you have no immediate plans to hire.

Cost-Effective & Risk-Free

Like traditional recruitment, you only pay when you actually make a hire. So even though we’re actively scouting talent that fits your business, there’s zero upfront cost for this service. This makes Open Search a risk-free investment into your future growth and staffing stability.

Customised To Your Needs

Tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll take care of the rest. Open Search is not a one-size-fits-all service. We customise our search to align with your unique business needs and criteria, ensuring that you receive profiles that truly fit what you’re looking for.

Stay Ahead With Exclusive Access

Why wait for top talent to enter the job market when you can know about them beforehand? Open Search offers you a first look at active, pre-screened candidates who have already expressed interest in a business like yours. Gain the advantage and meet these highly-qualified individuals before they are snapped up by competitors.

Future-Ready Hiring

Sudden vacancies can disrupt your operations and bring about unexpected costs. With Open Search, you’ll have a pool of pre-screened candidates ready to contact, drastically cutting down time-to-hire and onboarding expenses. You can also use Open Search for succession planning, ensuring smoother transitions when existing employees move on.


Why Choose Open Search?

  • Adaptation to Change: Always be prepared for sudden staffing needs with regular updates on potential matches.
  • Quick and Efficient Hiring: Cut through the noise of the job market and directly reach candidates who are ready to engage.
  • Streamlined Planning: Secure your company’s future by identifying potential talent early on, making any future staffing transitions far smoother.


The Stats Speak For Themselves

  • Reduced Time-to-Hire: The average UK time-to-hire is around 30-40 days. Open Search can significantly reduce this time.
  • Lower Onboarding Costs: Estimates suggest it can cost up to 1.5 times an employee’s salary to replace and onboard them. Save by being prepared.
  • Emergency Hiring Costs: Emergency hires can cost up to 1.5 to 2 times more than planned hires. Minimise this need with a pre-screened talent pool.


Reasons You Might Use It

Proactive Planning
  • Scaling Up: Open Search allows you to stay ahead of your growth, providing a pool of talent that matches your evolving needs.
  • Always Looking: If you’re the type of company that’s always on the hunt for the next great hire, Open Search keeps you in the loop.
  • Projects Coming Up: Have upcoming projects but not ready to disclose your hiring needs? Open Search keeps you prepared with a ready-to-go list of candidates.
  • Beat Competitors to Talent: In today’s fast-paced market, talent is often snatched up quickly. Open Search gives you early access, helping you beat your competitors to the punch.
  • Headhunt from Competitors: Looking to tap into talent from competing firms? Open Search can confidentially keep an eye out for you.
  • Hire Talent from Big Names: Interested in candidates who have experience with industry leaders? Open Search can draw out these candidates for you.
  • Longer Activity in the Market: Unlike reactive recruitment strategies that operate in short bursts, Open Search keeps you active in the talent market for extended periods, enhancing your chances of finding the right fit.
  • Getting Ahead of Long Notice Periods: In industries where employees have long notice periods, Open Search can help you plan well in advance.
Reactive Preparedness
  • Unexpected Staffing Challenges: Life happens, and Open Search ensures you’re prepared for it.
  • Sudden Resignation: Quickly replace a lead designer who leaves unexpectedly without compromising on quality.
  • Unplanned Sick Leave: Easily find a qualified temp when a key team member falls seriously ill for an extended period.
  • Maternity Leave: Smoothly transition roles when a project manager goes on maternity leave by identifying a qualified temporary replacement.
  • Other: Whatever your specific needs, Open Search offers the flexibility to adapt and find talent that matches your criteria.


Step By Step Process

Step 1: Register Your Interest – You get in touch with us to express your interest in Open Search. You specify that you’re looking for exampledesigners skilled in branding and data visualisation with agency experience.

Step 2: Tailored Talent Pool – Our recruitment experts will then curate a dedicated talent pool, actively sourcing and screening candidates who match your criteria.

Step 3: Stay Updated – When a match is confirmed—we’ll share their profile. These are individuals who are not just qualified, but are also interested in working for a company like yours.

Step 4: Ready to Hire? – If a need suddenly arises—say, you win a new contract and need to staff up quickly—you already have a pool of pre-screened candidates to contact. No delays, no fuss.

Step 5: Make Your Hire – When you’re ready to hire, simply select your preferred candidate from your tailored pool, and proceed with the hiring process. You pay only when the hire is made.


What To Do Next

If Open Search sounds like the future-focused, proactive solution you’ve been waiting for, here’s how to get started:

1 . Register Your Interest: Click the “Register Now” button below. The registration form will ask you to share some details about the types of profiles you’re interested in.

2 . Book a Meeting: After registration, book a free, no-obligation meeting with one of our recruitment experts to discuss your specific needs and learn how Open Search can be customised for you.

3 . Share Your Criteria: After the meeting, specify the expertise and profiles you’re interested in an order form, setting the stage for your customised talent pool.

So why wait? Register your interest today and stay ahead with Open Search.

Register Now

With Open Search, you’re not just prepared for the future—you’re prepared for anything.